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Online Custom or Semi-Custom Program


The men and women you are about to hear from and see
had the belief that it was impossible, until they

Hear the Stories of Men & Women Who are Just Like YOU!

Career mom, getting and staying strong at 50!

Career mom of kids dogs cats and setting powerlifting records!

Career mom, never worked out, always taking care of everyone!

Fit Lady Exercising
Keith before and after
Ty Before & After
CLIENT before and after
Mike Before and After

So, to finish a thought I had during our conversation this morning and you can share this with whoever you want.

I believe that the staff at GFT saved my life almost three years ago. I know that part of this was on me and that I had to be committed to make the change in my life. However, the place I was at physically and mentally was not good and I needed help and couldn't do it alone. I had tried and failed so many times that I really felt this was my last hope and if it didn't work, I was going to die at a young age.

Once I made that commitment the work that you and the staff put in to make sure that I wouldn't fail made it possible for me to push through. It wasn't easy I had a lot of crap that need to change, and you personally were more than once the counseling motivator that I needed.

It has been a wild ride and an amazing time of change for me. I am physically and mentally stronger than I have been in years. I have lost an amazing amount of weight and more importantly an amazing amount of fat.

Medically I have gone from being borderline diabetic to being told that my A1C is so low that they aren't even worried about diabetes. My blood pressure is that of a 120-pound woman. The last time it was checked it was 125 over 72.

You all are amazing and so committed to people being healthy and strong that I am still amazed. I'm glad to part of this amazingly awesome family and hope that I can pay forward everything that GFT has given me.

Keep working hard my friend and so will I.





Ty Bateman

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